


Angler Charlie Moen makes his debut on film (with dad, Todd Moen, behind the camera) to capture his epic landing of B.C. Coho salmon on the fly in Canada’s Great Bear Rainforest. Photo by Todd Moen

Issue #68

Dear Catch readers,

We’re so happy to bring you the last edition of Catch Magazine for 2020. What a year it’s been.  We’re almost through it, and like you, we are ready to celebrate the beginning of a new and better year ahead. As anglers, we all know that a big part of the game is having faith in a future catch- belief in the fish who will take our fly- hope that we will land it well. Let’s collectively be the seekers we are, and let’s put our faith in that better horizon ahead in 2021. Despite these trying times, we believe our work might bring you a bit of joy.  A little hope. Something to smile at. Here at Catch, we’re dedicated to giving you the beauty, adventure and entertainment of fly fishing that you might be missing or longing for.

In this issue, discover the secrets of catching bonefish on Green Turtle Cay in the Bahamas with Jason Stemple’s essay.  Learn about the challenge of sight fishing to tailing trout in Tasmania’s wilderness lakes with Peter Broomhall and Daniel Hackett. Fall in love with the beautiful black and white photography by Thomas Woelfle, who shares the secrets of Alaska’s salmon, brown bears and more.  Dive into steelhead county with Aaron Goodis, who documents the winter run on British Columbia’s best waters.  Experience Colorado’s winter waters and pursuit of tailwater trout with Jakob Burleson.

And finally, let us introduce you to the next generation of Catch Magazine! “Travels with Charlie: In search of B.C. Coho salmon,” features 11 year-old Charlie Moen, who makes his debut on film with a trip into British Columbia’s Great Bear Rainforest in search of Coho salmon on the fly. Orcas and whales, eagles and bears…this is the quintessential B.C. “Travels with Charlie” is an uplifting story of a boy’s perspective on fishing and working with his filmmaking father in a coming-of-age adventure.

With gratitude, hope and huge faith in a brighter future, we give you issue #68!

Editor- Catch Magazine


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