Before the desert sun broils the land and lizards carry canteens, my wingman Brian O’Keefe and I met up for a late spring bike tour to some very remote trout and bass water. Home base was a 60 year-old Airstream travel trailer, strategically located in the middle of nowhere, but fairly close to some badlands bass water and sagebrush trout streams. Streamers were getting action in the pocket water and scummy sloughs. Poppers were the ticket for bass.
Thanks to some gourmet peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and Chips Ahoy cookies, we survived the harsh landscape and had a great time making AIRSTREAMER. Special thanks to Patagonia for supporting my work and also thanks to buddies Jim James – Averticalview and Karsten Carlson – Quadrocopter for help with making aerial video look so good.