


Brendan Toner and his son Matteo as they hike towards Landslide Lake in Alberta. Cover photograph by Amber Toner.

Issue #65

Greetings Catch readers,

With a grateful and much anticipated introduction, we give you this next edition of Catch Magazine.  It’s a Father’s Day special.

In Issue #65, meet Oregon Coast’s very own Jay Nicholas and walk a day in his life as a renown fly tyer in a small beach community.  Experience the wild wonders of Alaska’s Goodnews River with Matt Harris.  Capture the sentiments of Canadian angler and photographer Amber Toner, who pays tribute to her father’s legacy as an outdoorsman and to the next generation of fly fishermen in her family with her essay “My Father’s Favorite Fly”.  Enjoy the beautiful craftsmanship and art embodied in the creation of a Masterpiece of art by Thompson Guitars called “The Koi Pond”.  Savor the huge variety of fish species captured on camera by the one and only Brian O’Keefe.  And finally, float Oregon’s McKenzie River in a T-Motion film, featuring father and son duo Chris and Cash Daughters as they navigate the water and catch trout from the drift boat.

These times are challenging.  It seems like we are drowning in widespread health crisis, human heartbreak and social, economic and political distress across the globe.  But JOY is a choice.  Here at Catch we challenge you to spread it.  Reach out and make a new fishing friend. Find one who is DIFFERENT from you- someone with a different culture, a different political view, a different religion or even simply a different taste in art or music.  Joy is a choice.  Let’s choose to reach out and spread it across our differences.

Mother Teresa had it right on when she said “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters and create many ripples.”

Here’s our cast.

Please sit back and enjoy Issue #65. Then, share it.

Kelley Moen

Editor, Catch Magazine


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