My husband Jake and I live our life around adventure. Living in the midst of all great things outdoors in central Oregon, it’s tough not to. Fly fishing for anadromous fish is our greatest addiction, and it is by far what we spend most of our free time pursuing. Whether we are miles deep on a remote desert river or walking down a seemingly endless, soaking wet gravel bar in the rain forest, our best memories are captured there. From the smiles and laughter when it all comes together, the tears and frustration for when it doesn’t, and the zillions of casts to one fish…these are moments I never want to forget.
Each steelhead is a true treasure, which we never take for granted. And throughout all the physical and mental breakdowns, we’re always reminded that with each sunrise comes a new hope and a new reason to remember why we are here. Capture it, share it, or put it back in our pockets. These are our happy thoughts. Moments we will hold close to our heart forever.

Contributed By
Jessie Dodd
My motto is ‘do what you love, love what you do’. Expressing my creativity is one way I tangibly bring this motto to life. My creative outlets include pottery, up-scaling rusty junk into welded art pieces and photography. In addition to being a wedding, portrait and art photographer, I’m a full-time software programmer for a higher education software and consulting company. I’m the mother of a photogenic and patient seventh grade daughter and wife to a very supportive man. My family lives on a lake near Cheney, Washington….close to nature and close to town too.