As most Catch Magazine followers know, Montana is a special place for me as a videographer. It’s really where I began filming. With 25 years since I began learning to film fly fishing there on the Yellowstone, Madison, Gallatin and Big Sky waters, I always enjoy returning to the piece of Heaven called Montana. This film, “Spring Creek Fever- Made in Montana” was fun in many ways.
First, my angler on camera is Pete Corbett, owner of Creekside Angling Company in Washington state and he has been a friend of mine since I learned to fly fish as a teenager. Together we’ve created some classic videos over the years, and Pete’s ability to cast a 20 foot leader and land a fish in any condition makes him one of my favorites to work with.
Also a highlight for me, I was able to slow down and concentrate on capturing the natural essence of Montana spring creek fishing in the spring. Watching the brown trout rise to PMD’s, Green Drakes and Caddis. Experiencing the
cloud of insect hatches. Taking 30 minutes just to get into perfect position on the creek for the epic shot at a beautiful cast, take and land. I enjoyed the process completely.
Thanks to Pete Corbett for his patience and humor. Most anglers hate when I say “Wait! Don’t cast yet!” With only a little backtalk, Pete can handle my insane directing. While Yellowstone Park was flooding, and the National Park was evacuating folks, we were fortunate to find clear water surrounded by nature in Montana’s classic springtime beauty. I dedicate this film to Montana itself, truly my favorite place on Earth.
A special thanks to the longtime support of Montana made R.L. Winston Rod Company, who has backed me in my filming work for many, many years. With their support, I’m able to create films that shape and inspire the fly fishing industry and anglers everywhere. Also special thanks to Scientific Anglers for supporting me throughout the years and helping us connect to fish around the globe with the best fly line technology on the planet.
Special thanks to Scientific Anglers & R.L. Winston Rod Company for supporting this film project.

Contributed By
Todd Moen
Todd’s combined interest in film and fish began as a kid: he explored and filmed the big waters of western Washington and the blue-ribbon trout streams of his birthstate Montana. Years of traveling the far ends of the globe as a professional videographer and burning the midnight oil to design web media, Todd is living his dream with the production of Catch Magazine.