We lined up single file, ready to board a classic De Havilland Beaver for a day of rainbow fishing. The guy in front of me had a brook trout net dangling from his vest. I quietly mentioned to him to lose the net, or the guides will laugh and talk about him in the bars of Anchorage, Bozeman, Bend and Seattle for the next five years. The net stayed home and this guy’s first cast was hammered by a 29-inch, 10-pound rainbow.

I quietly mentioned to him to lose the net, or the guides will laugh and talk about him in the bars of Anchorage, Bozeman, Bend and Seattle for the next five years.

Contributed By
Brian O’Keefe
Bear Bay Lodge outside Dillingham, Alaska was the base camp for ALASKA. I hope these photos were as much fun for you to look at as they were for me to shoot. I have more fly fishing photography at www.brianokeefephotos.com