Snow falling outside rhythmically taps on the window. Adding to this cold eulogy is a relentless howling of the wind. It’s March, but its still winter in the Canadian Northeast and most fly fishing opportunities have frozen up. Opening the door of the fridge, I scan for a libation worthy of the rituals of fly tying. Armed with a brightly adorned can of beer from some obscure microbrewery, I settle into the well-worn chair adjacent to a small writer’s desk.
The desk is strewn with hooks, feathers, and furs of various colours and sizes. The combination of these materials contributes to an endless array of possible fly patterns and recipes. A thought slowly creeps into my mind as I take a sip of my malty concoction. Am I going to tie trout, brookies, browns, rainbows, striped bass, shad, mackerel or Atlantic salmon?

I’m going to let you in on a little secret: No, I’m not going to geotag, or name drop spots. I’m simply going to confess to the fact that Nova Scotia is home to a healthy variety of sport fish. There is adventure in my own backyard.

Every angler from time to time succumbs to a “grass is greener” feeling. Our addiction to our digital devices, social media platforms and the curated adventures they promote leave us wondering if we’re fishing our best lives. Although the foreign waters and fables of the giant fish of Tierra Del Fuego, New Zealand, Norway and Brazil are alluring,
I’ve come to appreciate how lucky I am to call the Northeast home. There is a misguided mindset that the foundation of adventure is an exotic location. I have come to adopt the idea that adventure is a creative choice to view your surroundings and experience your environment from a different perspective.

Contributed By
Scott Sherin
Scotty Sherin is a photographer, certified guide, and angler based in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia. He can usually be found fishing with his wife Kate, and their border collie, Finn. Scotty loves everything pertaining to the outdoors. He advocates for conservation and always chooses the scenic route. Scotty is most comfortable in and around water. Documenting surfing and fishing adventures are his passions.